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Cool Currents Vol. 3

Explore Earth Day reflections, SCOPE 2024 insights, ‘Artyc Unboxed’ series debut, and advancements in cold chain logistics and battery technology.
Written by
Max Reintertsen
Published on
July 27, 2023

Happy Earth Day!

As we celebrate today, the team at Artyc is reflecting on the fundamental reason behind our mission - a dedication to environmental sustainability that is deeply embedded in every aspect of our product development—from eliminating harmful refrigerants to enhancing energy efficiency.

As 2024 unfolds, our team has hit the ground running. Our commercial and operations teams have started the year strong, collaborating closely with customers across various sectors to refine their direct-to-patient shipping solutions. Working in partnership with CROs, medical logistics companies, and decentralized care providers, we are broadening the scope of patients who can access at-home treatments. By making it easier to incorporate active cooling into existing workflows and study designs, we are setting new standards in patient care. Simultaneously, we have been enhancing our track and trace capabilities, providing unmatched peace of mind to our customers.

This quarter has been busy with travel, and we are immensely thankful for the opportunities to connect with colleagues at the SCOPE conference. We eagerly anticipate meeting many more of you at upcoming events and continuing our discussions on how to drive forward our shared goals.

Warm regards,

Hannah Sieber, Cofounder and CEO

Behind the Scenes
Learn More about the Medstow Micro

From direct-to-patient shipments to complex clinical trials, the Medstow Micro ensures your products stay protected under precise conditions, no matter the journey.

Download our commercial deck and discover how Artyc is not just talking about innovation but actively setting new standards around direct-to-patient shipping for the industry.

Understanding Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Our latest white paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the Medstow Micro versus traditional single-use shippers. We explore a detailed scenario involving a diagnostic laboratory to highlight the financial and operational advantages of switching to reusable shippers. The findings show significant reductions in total cost of ownership and improved shipment experiences for all stakeholders involved — particularly for patient-centric services.

Discover how the Medstow Micro can transform your logistics operations by downloading the white paper here.

Introducing Artyc Unboxed

Dive into the stories behind the people and passion driving Artyc in our new series, “Artyc Unboxed.” This look behind the scenes begins with how co-founders Hannah and Mark crossed paths and combined their expertise to tackle global cold chain challenges. Hannah, leveraging her insights on environmental sustainability from Stanford, and Mark, transitioning from NASA to harness technology in combating climate change, found common ground. Their encounter in a climate meet-up sparked a partnership fueled by a shared belief in the transformative power of technology.

Read the full story here.

Industry Pulse
SCOPE 2024 Insights

At the recent SCOPE Summit, Artyc explored the evolving landscape of clinical trials, highlighting the staying power of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs), the ongoing challenges of direct-to-patient shipments, and the strategic imperative of sustainability. Our takeaways offer actionable insights into enhancing patient accessibility, operational efficiency, and environmental sustainability in clinical trials.

Read more about our time at SCOPE here.

Greener Transit Success

In a recent case study, Maersk and one of its biopharma clients achieved a reduction of 4,578 metric tons of CO2 equivalent by adopting transit methods with lower energy intensity. At Artyc, reducing the carbon intensity of transit is a key goal, so we are stoked to see the focus on monitoring and measuring CO2 levels.

Fresh Finds

Sustainability in Numbers: A surprising find reveals that American households use four times more electricity for heating and cooling than all other home technologies combined.

Battery Economics Forecast: Goldman Sachs predicts a steep 40% decrease in battery prices from 2023 to 2025—a forecast signaling an energized future for technology reliant on battery power air-conditioning in 2050.

Unearthing Battery Metals: Discover how artificial intelligence is spearheading the search for battery metals, catalyzing the global shift towards a sustainable energy future.

Community Voices

Earth First’s inaugural newsletter featured our CEO and cofounder, Hannah Sieber. She discusses her journey to founding Artyc, her vision for the industry, and her theory of change.

She's all about the big picture – leading the pack, sparking change in the industry…it's about setting the pace, inspiring others in the game to step up their eco-game too. The goal? Together, they'll make a huge dent in those cold chain emissions.

We highly recommend checking out the rest of Earth First's featured guests here.

Up Next

Mark Your Calendars: Over the next two months, you'll find our team at Assembia, DIA, and the 6th Annual Clinical Trial Supply Conference. We’d love to see you there!

Climate Commitment: Stay tuned! We’re gearing up to make an exciting climate announcement. Follow us to ensure you don’t miss out on the news!

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